Kurssialueelle liittyminen

Course description
Organizational change arises out of technological, societal, or economic changes. As each of these systems becomes more volatile, uncertain, complex, or ambiguous (VUCA), there are both more reasons organizations must change and more urgency in making these changes effectively.  As a result, the study of change and innovation is widely recognized as an important topic in many areas of study ranging from Implementation of Artificial Intelligence or other technologies, to Human Resource Management, Health Care, and other forms of Management. Rigorously designed and conducted, practically relevant research, is in much demand and students need to understand: the nature of change; how to frame an organizational change study; how to decide how and what data to collect and how to analyse it; and, the potential pitfalls and biases inherent in this kind of research.

This course aims to equip the students with a basic understanding organizational change, particularly within the area of industrial engineering and management, and management science. We aim to provide high added value for our doctoral students in supporting their studies, as well as insight for students who find themselves managing or experiencing change at work.

Target group
The course is mainly intended for PhD candidates in the study programs of Technology and Natural Sciences or Health and Biosciences but interested master students and PostDoc researchers may also participate. Students will receive 3 credit points for pre-lecture assignments, participating lecture’s and simulation exercise. Those students interested in writing a research report on organizational change they have experienced in their organizations will received additional 2 cr.

Organizational change and innovation
Organizational change and innovation