This accessibility statement applies to the service The description has been updated on 3rd January 2025.


The Moodle learning environment of Oulu higher education institutions partially meets the accessibility requirements

We have mostly evaluated the accessibility of the service ourselves. We have found accessibility problems on the site. 

In one regular course, the accessibility has been assessed by an external expert using the NVDA screen reader program.

In the Moodle learning environment of Oulu higher education institutions is currently using the Moodle version 4.1. 


Inaccessible content



Noticeable: Deficiencies in the title hierarchy 

Heading levels are missing, the page may well have, for example, H1, H3 and H5 level headings and H2 and H4 are completely missing in between. In addition, the heading hierarchy may appear in the wrong order, in which case H3 may be before the H1 heading level. A lot of headings are used in the navigation structures, which makes it difficult to understand the content of the page. (WCAG 1.3.1 Information and relationships; 1.3.2 Order affecting meaning).

Some headings visually look like headings (for example, bold text), but are not marked as headings.

Noticeable: Color contrast

The contrast between the text and the background is fulfilled most of the time, but in some places there may be gaps in the contrast or contrasts that are too weak. The frame indicating the keyboard focus does not stand out enough from the background color. The files in the courses may have contrast problems, especially because the old PowerPoint templates of the Oulu universities do not meet the contrast requirements. (WCAG 1.4.3 Contrast (minimum))

Noticeable: Mainly, there are no subtitles in the videos

Subtitles are not required for videos published before September 23, 2020. In addition, subtitles are not required for videos published on or after September 23, 2020, which are only used in one course for one implementation. The law requires subtitles for videos published on or after September 23, 2020, which are used in several courses or in one course for several implementations.

The Yuja media management system has been acquired for the University of Oulu and Oamk, which makes it possible to add automatic subtitles to videos. In the program, the owner of the video can order automatic subtitles for the video in the language of their choice. The quality of Finnish automatic subtitling is not sufficient, and subtitles made solely with the help of it cannot be considered accessible. Automatic subtitling needs to be checked and fixed in order to make it accessible. It can take a long time to fix subtitles. This is a resource problem that we are aware of and we are mapping solution options. A large part of the videos do not yet have subtitles at all, or subtitles are not accessible. (WCAG 1.2.2 Subtitle (saved))

Noticeable: The files have not been made according to accessibility requirements

The old document templates of Oulu's higher education institutions do not guide the creation of accessible files. Oulu's universities do not yet systematically ensure the accessibility of files. There are still gaps in the staff's accessibility awareness. It is possible and likely that the files have flaws in the titles and alternative descriptions of the images, and in the use of colors. (WCAG 1.1.1 Non-Textual Content; 1.3.1 Information and Relationships; 1.4.1 Use of Color; 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum))

Noticeable: Deficiencies in the alternative descriptions of the course image files

An alternative description is forced on the pictures, but the course creators are not directed to make alternative descriptions that tell the essential content of the picture. Currently, the alternative texts in the images do not necessarily correspond to their purpose. (WCAG 1.1.1 Non-Textual Content)



Manageable: The grid course format is not achievable if all sections are displayed on the same page

The grid format is used in the Boost and Fordson themes. The grid format is not accessible to the keyboard user at all, if the course format settings have the following selected as the content fold of the course area: "Show all sections on one page". If all sections of the course area are displayed on one page, then the keyboard cannot access the content links. Using the keyboard in the grid format is possible if the content of the course area is set in such a way that all sections are displayed on their own pages. If necessary, ask the course teacher to change the course format setting so that the contents are displayed on their own pages.

Manageable: In the grid course format, the Go to drop-down menu is difficult to navigate

Even if the setting where the contents are on their own pages is selected in the grid course format, browsing the contents manually with the keyboard is a bit difficult. In the grid format, there is a Go to drop-down menu at the bottom of the user interface, which works best with the mouse. It is impossible for a screen reader user to scroll through the menu because he cannot move beyond the first menu item. (WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard)

Manageable: Some videos may trigger a seizure

Some videos may have flicker that exceeds the guidelines (3 times/s). A quick flash may trigger an epileptic seizure or migraine in people who are sensitive to flashing lights. It is possible that the creator of the video has not added a warning at the beginning of the video that the video will show fast flashing lights.



Understandable: The language of the page is determined based on the language of the user interface, the language of the user interface may be different from the language of the course

You can change the language of the user interface to match the language of the course, and the screen reader will work correctly. (WCAG 3.1.1 Language of page; 3.1.2 Language of parts)

Understandable: The screen reading program pronounces the languages incorrectly using the pronunciation method of the wrong language


The screen reading program pronounces the languages incorrectly using the pronunciation method of the wrong language. Changing the language is difficult when words are pronounced according to a different language. (WCAG 3.1.2 Language of parts)

Understandable: The screen reader incorrectly reads the activity name and type.

Some screen readers incorrectly read the activity name if there is a number at the end of the activity name. In some cases, the activity type following the number is read out letter by letter.


Not covered by legislation

  • content used periodically in teaching in a limited group does not have to meet accessibility requirements if the content is not recycled from one implementation to another.
  • Office program files (e.g. doc, pdf, odt) that were published before September 23, 2018 do not need to be corrected, unless they are particularly essential for the operation. 
  • Video or audio recordings published before September 23, 2020, do not need to be accessible.

Did you notice accessibility shortcomings in our digital service? Let us know and we will do our best to correct the shortcomings.

Please, email us with accessibility feedback at

Regulatory authority

If you notice accessibility problems on the site, first give us feedback, i.e. by email to The response may take 14 days. If you are not satisfied with the answer you receive or if you do not receive an answer at all within two weeks, you can report the issue to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland   The website of the Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland has detailed instructions for contacting us.

Regulatory authority's contact information

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit
telephone (switchboard): +358 29 534 5000


We are committed to accessibility

Please note that this explanation only applies to the pages at and the sites we link to should have their own explanations in the schedule according to the accessibility directive.

Our goal is to actively improve the accessibility of all online services we offer. We strive to make our own online services easy to use and we work to ensure that accessibility becomes a fixed and natural part of the planning, implementation, procurement and quality assurance of online services.



Last modified: Thursday, 9 January 2025, 12:10 PM