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WELCOME to the Business Correspondence Writing course!
The aim of this course is to introduce different types of business correspondence and the format used when communicating in writing. Types of correspondence include communication in business-to-business scenarios and between a business and the public.

Introducing different types of business correspondence and the format used when communicating in writing. Types of correspondence include communication in business-to-business scenarios and between a business and the public.

Suoritustavat ja arviointikriteerit
All assignments must be completed to a standard of effective business correspondence based on the learning outcomes of the course. In addition, there is a test at the end of the course.

Read more about assessment criteria at the University of Oulu webpage.

Mode of delivery: Self-access: the course operates within an online workspace, with online support from the teacher. Introductory session 2 hours / independent learning 51 hrs / optional text clinics.

Assignments, instructions and course resources are available in the online course workspace.

Completed assignments are submitted electronically to the teacher. The teacher provides feedback and any problems are discussed either by written electronic communication or at one of the optional text clinics.

Opetuskieli: Englanti

Required proficiency level: English must have been the A1 or A2 language at school or equivalent English skills acquired otherwise. If you need to take English, but lack this background, please get in touch with the Languages and Communication contact teacher for your department to discuss individual solutions.

Recommended optional programme components: This is an elective course which can be taken after 902150Y PET by students in the engineering programmes (TTK and TST).


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