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In this course, you will focus on developing your field-related vocabulary, formal/academic writing skills and presentation skills in English. The course work will help you practice and advance communicative skills you need in order to follow developments in your own field of architecture and urban design and planning.

This course is integrated with your subject course in urban design and planning. The course is designed to help you achieve the learning outcomes of 454501A Kaupunkisuunnittelun seminaarikurssi.

In the course you will study the compulsory professional material and literature of the 45401A Kaupunkisuunnittelun seminaarikurssi (Seminar Course on Urban Design and Planning). Using these, you will prepare your own case study of a Finnish urban development project for a poster presentation workshop. This multi-modal presentation is the main assignment common with the 45401A course.

Preparing a poster includes reading and analysing the literature and other professional sources, the built environment, and finally writing the text for the poster, which is an argumentative essay in English. You can choose to prepare the text in Finnish (esp. students who studied 902151Y in the 3 op group), but in this case you will write an extended summary in English. The language of the poster presentation, however, will be English for all students. The presentation is held in the final workshop of the 454501A seminar course. The common assignments and the English workshops and tutorials will help you develop professional communication skills in English.

By the end of the course, students will be able to
• demonstrate appropriate use of field-specific vocabulary required for professional communication in English,
• use English in field-specific academic writing and presentations,
• follow the conventions in critiquing the built environment, urban design and planning projects, and reviewing field-related literature,
• work efficiently in cooperation and contribute effectively to urban design-related projects

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