Kurssialueelle liittyminen

Course information in Peppi


Learning outcomes:

After the course the students will be able to understand and use some of the very common everyday expressions and phrases in Finnish, and they will be able to recognize basic characteristics of Finnish language and Finnish communication styles.


Introductory Finnish course for students to help them to cope in everyday situations. Everyday phrases, some general features of the vocabulary and grammar and main aspects of the pronunciation of Finnish.

Learning activities and teaching methods:

Lectures and Moodle exersices. 

Contact teaching.

26 hrs of lectures.

Aikataulu / Schedule:


5.9.   16:15-18     IT138

7.9.    16:15-18    IT133

12.9.   16:15-18   IT138

14.9.   16:15-18   IT133

19.9.    16:15-18  IT138

21.9.    16:15-18  IT133

26.9.    16:15-18  IT138

28.9.    16:15-18  IT133

3.10.    16:15-18  IT138

5.10.    16:15-18  IT133

10.10.  16:15-18  IT138

12.10.  16:15-18  IT133

17.10.  16:15-18  IT138

Assessment methods and criteria:

Final examination at the end of the course.

Read more about assessment criteria at the University of Oulu webpage: https://www.oulu.fi/en/students/studying-university/assessment-criteria


Vierailijat eivät pääse tälle kurssille. Kirjaudu sisään.