Content :
The course provides basic theoretical knowledge on potential fields methods and airborne geophysical investigation methods also on the petrophysical properties of rocks and minerals. Course uses the airborne geophysical mapping made by the Geological Survey of Finland including magnetic, electromagnetic and radiometric measurements. The physical properties of rocks and minerals including density, magnetic, elastic, electric, thermal and radiometric properties are considered.

Part I was dealing mainly with magnetics and airborne geophysical investigation methods and radiometric methods.

Part II deals mainly with gravity field methods, airborne gravity measurements and with EM airborne methods

Learning outcomes :
Upon completion of the course student understand airborne geophysical measurements techniques and knows how to process and interpret airborne geophysical data. In addition, the student can explain the major physical properties of rocks and rock forming minerals and their mutual dependence.

Lectures and exercises 40 h, independent work and self study

Literature (main list):
1. Hinze, W.J, von Frese, R.R.B., Saad, A.H., 2013. Gravity and Magnetic Exploration, Principles, Practices and Applications. Cambridge University Press.
2. Reynolds, J.M. , 2011. An introduction to applied and environmental geophysics. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
3. Schön, J.H.. 1996. Physical properties of rocks: fundamentals and principles of petrophysics
4. Burger, Sheehan, and Jones, 2006. Introduction to Applied Geophysics, W.W. Norton & Co. Inc., ISBN 0393-92637-0
5. Eloranta, E., 2003. Geofysiikan kenttäteoria. STUK-A198.
6. Dentith, M., Mudge, S.T., 2014. Geophysics for mineral exploration geoscientist. Cambridge University Press.
7. Kaikkonen, P., 2008. Maa – ja kallioperän geofysikaaliset tutkimusmenetelmät.
76210P. Sovelletun geofysiikan perusteet, Luentomoniste.
Geofysiikan osasto. Fysikaalisten tieteiden laitos. Oulun yliopisto.

Publications of Geological Survey of Finland