The River Engineering and Hydraulic Structures is an advanced and multidisciplinary course. By completion the student should be able to apply the pervious learned courses like open channel hydraulics, fluid mechanics, hydrology and GIS in hydraulic structures design and river engineering. The course has 3 main modules including river engineering, hydraulic structures and applications.
In river engineering part main topics are:
- River geomorphology
- Flood control and management
- Erosion and sediment transport
- Mesohabitat
- River measurement
- River engineering issue in cold region
In Hydraulic structure part:
- Overview of hydraulic structures
- Fundamental of designing hydraulic structures
- Design dams
- Design open channel
- Riverbank protection and Flood control structures
- Spillway and Energy dissipator structures
In application part:
- Analysis river regime alteration with Indicator Hydrological Alteration (IHA) software
- River analysis system with Hec-Ras software
- Flood damage analysis
- Flood impact analysis
- Life loss estimation
- Ecosystem functions Model