Learning objectives: After completing the course, the student is able to: * analyse the on-going changes in online and consumer behaviour, customer requirements, ICT markets and technological development; * evaluate key enabling web-based and other information technologies and become an effective participant in web-enabled business endeavours and initiatives; * design ways for leveraging information and communication technologies to improve intra- and inter-organisational processes and enhance a firm’s competitive position; * plan ways for searching innovations; and * develop his/her skills for building careers and taking advantage of entrepreneurial opportunities through emerging technologies, in particular related to the web. Contents overview * A shift in thinking about the web and emerging technologies * How the social web is transforming businesses, software design, our perception of people as well as skills required of us * How to accelerate innovation creation through web-based and other emerging technologies: Ecosystem thinking, strategies, core business values * Transformation of the social web into humanized web