This course is an introduction to Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism and the use of classical and molecular genetic approaches in this yeast to study basic cellular processes. We will also focus on genetic screens and selections designed to identify targets of interest. Aspects of transcriptional regulation will be discussed to provide a basic understanding for some of the screens and selections introduced. Performance in the course will be assessed by participation in the course review session at the beginning of each lecture (10% of total grade) and by a final written examination. The practical part of this is a block practical spread over four weeks running almost parallel to lecture course. It is designed to provide training in techniques and concepts commonly used in yeast genetics (streaking, spotting, mating, tetrad analysis, transformation, colony-color based assays, carbon source-dependent expression of genes, as well as generation and cloning of mutants). The course has limited enrollment for 16 people. It is also possible to only attend the lecture part of the course for 3.5 ECTS credits.