Learning outcomes: Student obtains basic knowledge of animal and plant acclimations and adaptations to winter. She/he will be able to evaluate the effects of cold temperatures and snow on overwintering, and learns central methodology in winter ecology and physiology.
Contents: Two independent units: 1) Winter ecology and physiology course (6 h lectures and 12 h laboratory practicals and 3 h seminar in Oulu, and 4 day long field excursion to the Oulanka Research Station (total about 50 h, 3 cr); 2) Book exam 2 cr: Marchand, P. J. 1996: Life in the cold. An introduction to winter ecology.
Learning activities and teaching methods: Lectures, exercises, report and seminar presentation.
Target group: Biology students.
Prerequisites and co-requisites: Courses Basics of ecology (750124P), Cell biology (750121P), Terrestrial animals field course (755322A), Aquatic ecology field course (755321A), Plant ecology field course (756343A) and Basics of plant biology, lectures (756346A) or equivalent knowledge.
Required reading: Marchand, P. J. 1996: Life in the cold. An introduction to winter ecology. (3rd edition). University Press of New England. 304 p.
Assessment methods and criteria: Seminar presentation and book exam. Read more about assessment criteria at the University of Oulu webpage.
Grading: Course + seminar: Pass / Fail, book exam: 1-5 / Fail.
Person responsible: Annamari Markkola