Opintojakson kuvaus / Course information
ACA in Finnish: [tbc] Arkkitehtuurin syventymiskurssi, 5-15 op
ACA in English, [tbc] Advanced Course in Architecture, 5-15 ECTS cr
RA in Finnish, 450552S Arkkitehtuurin tutkimus, 5-10 op
RA in English, 450552S Research in Architecture, 5-10 ECTS cr
Osaamistavoitteet / Learning outcomes:
ACA: In the course the student will immerse oneself in one of the topics in the fields of building design or urban planning and design in a way, which brings novel and deeper know-how of the topic. The design task can include a written background or connect fixedly to the written study done simultaniously in the Research in Architecture (450552S) -course. After completing the course the student can independently define a design task according to the student´s topic, frame appropriate proportions to it, use suitable design tools and prepare illustrative design documents.
RA: During the course student becomes familiar with the basic concepts of architectural research and is able to apply the methods of architectural research in his / her academic study to produce new knowledge. The academic study assignment is entirely written or student may also apply research by design approach in his / her assignment. After completing the course, student will be able to write academic study by outlining the research problem of his / her research topic, identifying the appropriate research strategy(s) and useing applicable data collection and analysis methods.
Sisältö / Contents:
ACA: A common course for the whole School of Architecture will give to a student a possibility obtain deeper knowledge and skills related to chosen the topic and task in the field of buiding design or urban planning and design. In the course the student will deepen the practical design skills and strenghten the knowlegde-base background of one´s studies in architecture. In the course the student will learn the interaction between the practical architectural design and research in architecture. Moreover the student will develop one´s skills related to designing and presentation. The student will conduct a project assignment, which is possibly connected to the written assignment performed simultaneously in the Research in Architecture (450552S) -course.
RA: The joint course of the Oulu School of Architecture introduces the basics of architectural research and provides the student with essential information on the topical themes of architectural theory and research. During the course student will deepen his / her epistemological understanding and strengthen the research basis of his / her architecture studies. During the course the student learns the interaction between research, theory and practice, as well as methodology based on his / her own research topic and interest. In accordance with a jointly agreed program, the student prepares a written or design research paper on his / her field of study. The maximum length of the paper is 67.000 characters (with spaces) when aiming 10 credits or 33.500 characters (with spaces) when aiming 5 credits. Please, discuss in more detail the form, content and length of your paper with your Thematic Group teachers.
Toteutustavat / Learning activities and teaching methods:
Personal or / and group tutoring maximum 20-60 hours.
Aikataulu / Schedule:
See attachment below "Schedule".
Suoritustavat ja arviointikriteerit / Assessment methods and criteria:
The student completes a exercise according to given instructions. The evaluation is made based on outcome of the exercise work. No exam is included in the course.
Arviointiasteikko / Grading:
1-5 / 5- Teacher: Helka-Liisa Hentilä
- Teacher: Aulikki Herneoja
- Teacher: Sari Hirvonen-Kantola
- Teacher: Anssi Joutsiniemi
- Teacher: Eevi Juuti
- Teacher: Matti Lakkala
- Teacher: Aale Luusua
- Teacher: Piia Markkanen
- Teacher: Henrika Pihlajaniemi
- Teacher: Janne Pihlajaniemi
- Teacher: Emilia Rönkkö
- Teacher: Shafa Sabeti Motlagh
- Teacher: Anu Soikkeli